In the living room, a Rashid Johnson painting is mounted above the limestone fireplace and set against cerused-oak paneling. Christophe Delcourt sofas curl around a trio of India Mahdavi cocktail tables joined by Campana Brothers stools, Jacques Jarrige lamps poised on Christophe Côme side tables, a lounge chair by Joseph-André Motte, and a sculptural Wendell Castle table. The ceiling light is by Alexandre Logé, and the rug is by Fort Street Studio.
Photo: Richard PowersTour an Art-Filled East Hampton Home by Thomas A. Kligerman and Francis D’Haene

Tour an Art-Filled East Hampton Home by Thomas A. Kligerman and Francis D’Haene

Tour an Art-Filled East Hampton Home by Thomas A. Kligerman and Francis D’Haene

Tour an Art-Filled East Hampton Home by Thomas A. Kligerman and Francis D’Haene

Tour an Art-Filled East Hampton Home by Thomas A. Kligerman and Francis D’Haene
“I wanted a warm and creamy color combination to go with the dark floor,” says D’Haene of the living area, which includes an array of organic shapes in muted tones. Creating a striking contrast on the wall is a major canvas by Ellsworth Kelly titled Four Panels, which was shown at Matthew Marks Gallery in one of the legendary artist’s final exhibitions before his 2015 death.
Photo: Richard Powers
Tour an Art-Filled East Hampton Home by Thomas A. Kligerman and Francis D’Haene
A Mel Bochner text painting adds a wry note behind the library’s Marco Dessi sofa, which is covered in a Holly Hunt fabric and flanked by Jean-Michel Frank–style lamps on Moss & Lam side tables; the bronze cluster tables are by Stéphane Parmentier from Maison Gerard, and the rug is by Joseph Carini Carpets.
Photo: Richard Powers
Tour an Art-Filled East Hampton Home by Thomas A. Kligerman and Francis D’Haene

Tour an Art-Filled East Hampton Home by Thomas A. Kligerman and Francis D’Haene
Soft textures rule in the primary bedroom, where D’Haene used a Pierre Frey sueded fabric on the wall behind the Minotti bed, dressed with Frette bedding and a throw of Donghia fabric; India Mahdavi lamps top the custom nightstands, the W-shape banquette is by Pierre Paulin, Angela Brown fabrics were used for the curtains and on the Dimore Studio bench, and the mohair-cashmere rug is by Beauvais Carpets.
Photo: Richard Powers

Tour an Art-Filled East Hampton Home by Thomas A. Kligerman and Francis D’Haene

Tour an Art-Filled East Hampton Home by Thomas A. Kligerman and Francis D’Haene

Tour an Art-Filled East Hampton Home by Thomas A. Kligerman and Francis D’Haene
The vast entry called for a monumental lighting fixture, so Francis D’Haene turned to Dutch artisan Frederik Molenschot, who works primarily in cast bronze. “It was so big we had to take out a window to bring it in,” he says. “I love that you can also experience the piece horizontally from the stair landing.”

Tour an Art-Filled East Hampton Home by Thomas A. Kligerman and Francis D’Haene
“Roe Ethridge is a consummate photographer,” gushes Samuels, who placed one of the Miami-born talent’s evocative beach scenes in a guest room. “He’s able to give a kind of glamour to everyday subjects.” This color-soaked 2015 print illustrates his mastery of the medium.

Tour an Art-Filled East Hampton Home by Thomas A. Kligerman and Francis D’Haene

Tour an Art-Filled East Hampton Home by Thomas A. Kligerman and Francis D’Haene
At over eight feet tall, this graceful sculpture by French artist Camille Henrot makes a swooping statement in the back garden. Art adviser Erica Samuels discovered the piece during 2019’s Art Basel in Switzerland. “It’s lyrical, poetic, and light, even though it’s made of heavy bronze,” she says. “You can appreciate it from so many angles.”
Photo: Richard Powers1 / 10