10 of the Most Architecturally Stunning Homes from the Galerie Archives
See why breathtaking houses by Frank Lloyd Wright, Tom Kundig, and Isamu Noguchi are so magical
From a waterfront gem by Isamu Noguchi along the coast of Maine to a dazzling desert retreat by Frank Lloyd Wright, Galerie has published a dynamic array of architecturally striking homes over the past six years. While every house we feature has a blockbuster art collection, some residences are truly works of art in themselves, created by top-tier architects who are not afraid of making bold statements in their work. Tom Kundig, for instance, deployed his muscular brand of architecture to dazzling effect with a weathered steel–clad residence perched on a cliff in western Washington. And architect William T. Georgis likewise took advantage of the breathtaking views when revamping a Southern California retreat originally designed in the 1960s by Homer Delawie. Here, we’ve rounded up even more dwellings that feature masterful architecture.